11. 08. 2017 - 14. 08. 2017

Otevřený prostor v Trpoměchách
Trpoměchy 29
Trpoměchy u Slaného
Masks of the Seven Planets – a mask using workshop with Mike Chase
The seven planets are archetypes imbued with rich mythology and contemporary relevance for use in performance and therapy, theatre design and craft work.
Seven Planets visible to the naked eye are: Mars and Venus, the archetypes of the masculine and feminine; Jupiter and Mercury, the archetypes of the king and the trickster; and Moon and Saturn the archetypes of heredity and destiny; and the Sun, the centre around which the others orbit.
In the mask using workshop we will use masks to explore the dynamics of the seven planets, using theatre games, interactive body work and psychodramatic action methods, and reflect how our lives are shaped and influenced by their formative forces.
Participants will also learn techniques for using masks in the theatre, developing character, and exploring the relationship between the personal creative impulse, the other masks on the stage and the audience.
About Mike Chase
Mike has been working in the field of theatre and therapy for the past 30 years, as a teacher, director, Artistic Director, mask maker and Psychodramatist. He has been fascinated by the effectiveness of masks in teaching skills for life, and in supporting individuals in personal and professional development.
He is an accredited psychodrama psychotherapist and is currently writing a series of books on mask making and using in the context of education, therapy and personal and professional development. His latest book Mask – Making, Using and Performing has been just published by Hawthorn Press.
From Friday 7pm till Monday 2pm
At our new venue Open Space (Centre for Movement, Arts and Drama) in Trpoměchy near Slaný. Slaný lies in Prague’s metropolitan area some 15 km from Vaclav Havel Airport.
£ 160 including meals and accommodation
Info & enquiries:
+420 602 322 947