24. 01. 2025 - 26. 01. 2025

At this mask making weekend workshop we are going to explore a simple mask making technique which involves molding clay into facial features and then applying paper mache and molding cloth layers over the top of the sculpted mask face. We will then paint the mask and at the very end of this weekend workshop you will get a chance to explore the mask you made in live action/improvisation.
What will you learn?
Apart from learning how to make mask using a simple technique of paper mache and molding cloth, the you will also get a chance to explore various aspects of your own persona. This whole process of mask making (and acting at the end) can be revealing, hugely satisfying and also therapuetic. Modelling with hands can provide a powerful connection to deep-rooted feelings through this tactile, nonverbal experience of working physically with the clay.
Engaging in this activity you may find new ways to communicate hidden thoughts and feelings through the creation of meaningful symbols that are shaped into the clay as the mask evolves. Mask making and acting with masks helps to unlock basic playfulness and sense of creative adventure. Adults engaged in busy and demanding lives don’t often have or take time to engage in a hands-on creative process – so here we provide time and space for anyone who feels such a need.
Read more about what you gain through such creative mask making process here: benefits-of-mask-making
Pavel Bednář has learnt mask making and using from Mike Chase in his Mask Studio and at various mask making and acting workshops in UK (also with Vamos Theatre’s Rachael Savage). He has also got a master’s degree in Drama Education from DAMU (Performing Arts Academy in Prague) and has completed training in Family Constellation and Focusing.
Dates & Venue:
24th – 28th January 2025 (starting on Friday at 6pm / finishing on Sunday at 4 pm) at the Open Space centre in Trpoměchy near Slaný (Trpoměchy 29, Slaný 274 01).
€ 160 – includes all materials, accommodation and food.
For further information and inquiries write to/call:
Pavel Bednář / [email protected] / +420 602 322 947
Masks made by the participants of last year’s workshop (at the Drama Education Week in Jičín)