12. 03. 2025 - 16. 03. 2025

Masks of the Zodiac
Open Space, 12th to 16th March 2025
In this residential workshop we will explore the twelve aspects of the Zodiac and the way they shape us.
Womb of Personality: The beings of the Zodiac are the architects of the human personality, working right down into our physical bodies. Through working with the zodiac as a manifestation of personality between virtue and disorder, this workshop will explore the extremes between healthy functioning and the more challenging conditions of personality disorders.
Planes of space: Through the process of embodied learning we will enter into an exploration of the zodiac. The embodiment through masks of the different signs of the zodiac is brought to movement through the three planes of space, the horizontal (forward and back), vertical (up and down), and sagittal (left and right), to access the particular nature of each type through movement.
Twelve World Views: This workshops is not centred around astrology and birth charts, but more on the spiritual archetypes of the twelve personality styles which have their imprint on all of us. Each sign invites us to look at the world in a different way. The way in which we view the world makes us different, yet, there will be others who see things in a similar way to us. However, this is also how conflict and war arises, with irreconcilable differences which cannot be bridged. This approach to the zodiac invites you to take up different positions to see the worlds from different points of view, even though we have our own view which is different. It is being able to stand in each position, experiencing the one-sidedness, of each point of view of that makes up a whole.
Three Crosses: Through drama, mask, speech and psychodramatic action methods we will get to know each of the 12 signs of the zodiac as archetypes of personality. We will explore the three crosses of the zodiac.
- The cardinal cross in the frontal plane of will, including Aries and Libra, Capricorn and Cancer.
- The fixed cross in the horizontal plane with Leo and Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio.
- The mutable cross in the sagittal plane including Gemini and Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces.
Fields of Tension: We will explore the fields of tension between the opposing signs or Leo and Aquarius bringing up the themes of centre and periphery, Virgo and Pisces with chaos and order, Libra and Aries with power and vulnerability, Scorpio and Taurus pain and pleasure, Sagittarius and Gemini one and many , Cancer and Capricorn matter and spirit.
Walking the Journey of Initiation: Part of the relationship to the zodiac, is the twelve step process of the Hero or Heroin’s Journey. The twelve steps the heroin takes and the seven archetypes the hero encounters on this journey of initiation.
About the facilitator:
Mike Chase established The Mask Studio in the mid 90’s and developed masks for training, education, performance and therapy. He has taught in these fields internationally for 35 years. He was the Artistic Director of The Mask Academy and the Glasshouse Arts Centre, Stourbridge for 14 years. He has also contributed to the Biographical Counselling training over 20 years as an external trainer, and has conducted self-development workshops around the world over the past 30 years. For 14 years he developed and led the Hero’s Journey programme for students at the Glasshouse College using masks and psychodrama.
For the last 9 years Mike has been working within a therapeutic community prison HMP Grendon using psychodrama and group psychotherapy. He is currently the clinical lead as therapy manager on a wing with violent men with learning disabilities. His book Mask was published by Hawthorn Press in 2017, and he is in the process of getting his next book Why Did You Kill Me? published. Mike has a diploma in psychodrama, psychotherapy and an M.Ed. in educational research and is a fully insured member of UKCP, undergoes supervision and abides by the UKCP Ethics for Practice. Mike is currently on the faculty of the Mental Health Seminar at Emerson College, looking at mental health in the light of anthroposophy.
About the place:
The workshop takes place in the Open Space, Slaný, Czech Republic. Open Space is a non-for-profit educational & cultural centre located 20 minutes from Vaclav Havel Airport and 30 min from Prague in the quaint village of Trpoměchy near Slaný. Originally built as a gymnasium in 1920’s by Sokol, a fraternal organisation promoting the old-Greek ideal of a bodily, moral and spiritual whole, the recently reconstructed building offers a large workspace, kitchen, sauna and cozy attic bedrooms.
full board (3 meals a day, snacks, coffee/tea)
dormitory/hostel-style lodging in shared rooms with 2-4 people in one room and shared bathrooms,
The dates:
Wednesday 12th March 2025 (from 5pm) till Sunday 16th March 2025 (3:30 pm).
€ 320 / £ 270
The price includes accommodation & meals.
Information & queries:
Contact the organizer Pavel Bednar / +420602322947 / [email protected]
Feedback from participants at previous workshops by Mike Chase:
Fifty out of ten! Absolutely perfect. Fantastic attitude, understanding, care, kindness and
humour. I felt absolutely safe and able to open up. Mike was always available and sincerely
interested in us. (Prague, planets workshop)
Mike led with such a grace and elegance that sometimes I just stared in amazement. The
human touch and kindness of his approach is admirable. (Prague, planet workshop)